Bank announces Financial Results for quarter ended, 31st December 2024.
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Why should finance come in the way of future? Getting an education loan is an easy way to finance your dreams. A student loan can help you get into the university of your choice. Bank of Baroda is here to finance your dreams, education & career goals.
The easiest way to save for you, for your loved ones, and for your future. A savings account gives you the liberty to choose according to your needs and additionally give you benefits for all your transactions. With a gamut of savings account features on the table, Bank of Baroda is here to make your banking simple and easy!
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Bank of Baroda deposit plans offer convenient solutions to both working individuals as well as senior citizens. These deposits are categorised into deposits with a term period of less than 12 months, more than 12 months and recurring deposits.
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Bank of Baroda focuses on its employees, offering a career rather than just a job. Various initiatives are in place to groom employees throughout their life cycle. A comprehensive talent management system to groom future leaders of the bank.
Bank of Baroda offers various types of personal banking cards such as Credit, Debit, Prepaid, Business & Travel Cards. Choose the one best suited card for your needs.
Note : All services charges are exclusive of GST. w.e.f. 20.06.2019 GST at applicable rate i.e. 18.00% ( at present ) of service charges will be levied extra on these service charges.
Minimum Balance Charges in Saving Accounts
Charges will not be applicable in following type of accounts: Saving Bank- No Frill Account Baroda Basic Saving Bank Account Baroda Pensioner's Saving Bank Account Baroda Salary Advantage Account Any other Saving Bank scheme/product specific terms and conditions.
The charges for each service of Doorstep banking is Rs 75 plus applicable GST.
a) Charges for issue of Duplicate Statement / Pass Book
Current Account as under:
Saving Bank account as under:
In case of loss of complete blank cheque book
Charges for Cheque returned unpaid –(Outward) Clearing / Transfer
1. Charges at Branch against RTGS and NEFT charges mentioned under section Service charges & Fees
Non Individual
A) On all RTGS Transactions (INWARD)----NIL
B) Outward charges
Safe Custody Charges
Sealed Covers: Rs 350/- per cover per annum or part thereof. (4” x 12,- thickness x 1/2”) More than the above size, charges as applicable for sealed boxes Sealed boxes – Rs 3000/- per box per annum (size 200 cubic inch)
Bank’s own Deposit Receipt : No charges
Service Charges for handling scrips
As per discretion of Regional Manager
Attestation of customer’s signature
Non Individual /Joint accounts Rs.150/- per instrument/occasion Individual, Senior Citizen, Pensioners at any branch Rs.100/-
Inquiries relating to old records.
More than 3 months to 12 months old
Rs 100/- per item
More than 12 months to 3 years old
Rs 300/- per item
Above 3 years upto 7 years
Rs 500/- per item
Above 7 years
Rs 1000/- per item
Photo attestation
Rs 150/- per photo /occasion
Cash Handling Charges-FOR CASH DEPOSIT (Applicable to base branch, Local Non-base branches)
For CA/OD/CC/Other Accounts:(Base and local Non base branch)
Beyond Cash Deposit of Rs. 50000/- Or above 10 packets i.e. 1000 pieces of notes of any denominations taken together,whichever is higher charges will be levied as under – Above 10 packets – i.e. 1000 pieces of notescharges will be levied @ Rs.10/- per packet or a part thereof. (Min. Rs.10/- Maxi. Rs.10000/- .(per day per txn
Savings bank account- (Base and local Non base branch)
Cash Deposit – Chargeable Beyond5 transactionsin a month (excluding Alternate Channel transaction) -Rs 50/- per transaction
Savings Bank accounts Rural /Semi Urban branches , Pensioner and Senior Citizen At any branch**
Cash Deposit – Chargeable Beyond 5 transactions in a month (excluding Alternate Channel transaction) -Rs 40/- per transaction
(In case of cash aggregatingRs 50000/- or more deposited with the bank during any one day, customer is required to quote his/her PAN or submit form 60) **For BSBD and FI accounts there are no service charges for cash deposit )
-- Where annual locker rental is up to Rs 3000/- - Rs 200/- for first -3- months thereafter Rs 50/- p.m. -- Where annual locker rental is above Rs 3000/- - Rs 500/- for first -3- months thereafter Rs 100/- p.m.
When the rent is paid in advance for -3- years 10% discount may be allowed to General Public.
However, 20% discount in locker rent in case of Premium current account and Premium current account privilege customers if rent is paid in advance for a period of three years and above.
Metro-Urban-Savings Account (excluding BSBD/ FI Accounts) - Cash handling charge as applicable to base branch i.e. charges will be levied above – 5 – per transaction per month (excluding Alternate Channel transactions) at any branch – Rs. 50/- per transaction
Rural /Semi Urban branches, Senior citizen and Pensioner at any branch -Savings Account (excluding BSBD/ FI Accounts) - Cash handling charge as applicable to base branch i.e. charges will be levied above – 5 – per transaction per month (excluding Alternate Channel transactions) at any branch -Rs. 40/- per transaction.
CA/CC/OD/others : Chargeable in case of cash deposit in excess of Rs. 25000/- per day per account at Rs. 2.50/- per thousand or part thereof.
(Base branch, local non base branch and outstation )
Cash Withdrawals: (Base , local non base and outstation branch)
Beyond Firstfivetransactions per month (excluding withdrawals from ATM) charges of Rs. 150/- per transaction.
Savings bank-
Metro-Urban branch**
Beyond Firstfivetransactions per month (excluding withdrawals from ATM) charges of Rs.125/- per transaction.
Savings Bank- Rural/Semi-Urban branches and Senior citizen, pensioner at any branch**
Beyond Firstfivetransactions per month (excluding withdrawals from ATM) charges of Rs.100/- per transaction.
However, Maximum withdrawal allowed at outstation branch is Rs 50000/- per day to the account holder only.
**For BSBD and FI accounts there are no service charges
Note: 1.Inter SOL cash payments to third parties is totally withdrawn 2. Per day per transaction limit of Rs 50000 /- is fixed for cash withdrawal by drawer by self cheque (through withdrawal up to Rs 25000/- - SB Account without cheque book facility) at Non Base CBS branches irrespective of nature of accounts. Passbook should accompany with Withdrawals
.Inter SOL cash payments to third parties is totally withdrawn 2. Per day per transaction limit of Rs 50000 /- is fixed for cash withdrawal by drawer by self cheque (through withdrawal up to Rs 25000/- - SB Account without cheque book facility) at Non Base CBS branches irrespective of nature of accounts. Passbook should accompany with Withdrawals
Bill purchased/discounted/negotiated
a. Foreign Currency Export Bill
General Notes:
Retail Product
Concessional Service Charges effective till 30.06.2024
Baroda Home Loan (All variants)
NIL, subject to Login Fee of Rs.1,500/- which is to be refunded on first disbursement.
NIL, subject to Login Fee of Rs.1,500/- which is to be refunded on first disbursement
NIL, subject to recovery of out of pocket expenses of Rs.3,500.00 + GST (Per Property).
NIL, subject to recovery of out of pocket expenses of Rs.5,000.00+ GST to Rs. 8,500.00 + GST (conditions apply)
NIL, subject to recovery of out of pocket expenses of Rs.10,000.00 + GST (Per Property)
Baroda Top Up Loan
100% waiver in Processing charges, subject to recovery of out of pocket expenses of ₹5000.00 + GST (Per Property)
Minimum Rs.10, 000.
Home Loan & Mortgage Loan:
Pre-payment charges under fixed rate loan is as under-
Baroda loan against Future Rent Receivable (FRR) upto Rs.100 crores:
Auto Loan:
Two Wheeler Loan Scheme
Education Loan:
Personal Loan:
Pre-payment charges under fixed rate loan is as under: - @ 3% + GST on amount pre-paid during the first 3 years of loan period.
Advance Against Securities:
Pre-payment charges under fixed rate loan is as under: - @ 1% + GST on amount outstanding
Retail Gold Loan:
Baroda Ashray (Reverse Mortgage):
Pre-payment charges under fixed rate loan is as under: - @ 1% + GST on amount outstanding.
Baroda Home Loan & Baroda Home Improvement Loan
Slab wise
Upto Rs 50 Lacs 0.50% of Loan amount: Minimum: Rs 8,500/- (Upfront) Maximum: Rs 15,000/-
Above Rs 50 Lacs 0.25% of Loan amount: Minimum : Rs 8,500/- (upfront) Maximum: Rs 25,000/-
The above charges are unified processing charges which includes inspection, valuation and legal fees
For staff members: Actual Charges for Advocate / Valuers / CERSAI / ITR verification (if any) only to be recovered.
The above charges are for all categories of borrowers under Home Loans.
Baroda Home Loan Top Up
0.35% Minimum: Rs 5,000/- (upfront) Maximum: Rs 12,500/-
Takeover of Home Loan (Resident /NRI/PIOs)
Flat: Rs 8,500/- (upfront)
Pre Approved Home Loan (In Principal Sanction)
0.25% - 0.50%
Rs 8,500/- (upfront). If the borrower submits the property documents with in the validity period of pre- approval letter, balance amount of unified processing charges as applicable to Home Loan only will be recovered from the borrower.
Baroda Ashray (Reverse Mortgage Loan)
0.20% Upfront Charges: Rs 8,500/- Maximum Rs 10,000/-
Baroda Advance Against Gold Ornaments / Jewellery
0.50% Minimum: Rs 500/- Maximum Loan upto Rs 5.00 Lakhs: Rs 2500/- Loan above Rs 5.00 Lakhs: Rs 3500/-
Baroda Traders Loan (including Baroda Traders Gold Card scheme)
OD: 0.35% TL: 0.50% Minimum: Rs 8,500/- (Upfront) per property
Baroda Loan to Doctors
0.35% Maximum Rs 15000/-
Baroda Advance Against Securities
Rs 500/- (No other charges) Staff/ Ex-Staff: No Charges
Car Loan & Digital Car Loan
For Both Fixed and Floating Rate Option
Baroda Two Wheeler Loan
2% of Loan amount + GST, Minimum Rs 250/- + GST Staff/ Ex-Staff: No Charges
Baroda Personal Loan (including Baroda Premium Personal Loan)
2% of Loan amount Minimum: Rs 1000/- Maximum: Rs 10,000/-
Baroda Pensioners Loan
Pensioners/ Family Pensioners of our Bank (Ex-Staff) : Nil Others : Rs 1,000/-
Baroda Mortgage Loan:
TL: 1% Minimum: Rs 8,500/- (Upfront) per property Maximum: Rs 1,50,000/- OD: Upto Rs 3.00 Crores: 0.35% Minimum: Rs 8,500/- (Upfront) per property Maximum: Rs 75,000/- Above Rs 3.00 Crores: 0.25% Minimum: Rs 8,500/- (Upfront) per property Maximum: No Limit
Baroda Education Loan
Study in India - Nil
Study Abroad - 1.00% of Loan amount (maximum Rs 10,000/-) to be recovered upfront which will be refundable on availment (first disbursement) of loan.
Education Loan for students of Premier Institutions (studies in India): Nil
Education Loan for Vocational Education and Training: Nil
Career Development: 0.50%
Notes: (a) A non refundable Lump sum amount Rs 8,500/- per property (towards Advocate and Valuer charges) to be taken upfront in case of all Education Loan accounts, wherever property is mortgaged.
(b) No Mortgage creation charges for all types of Education Loans.
Baroda Loan Against Future Rent Receivables
Processing Charges :
1.00% (without cap), subject to minimum amount of Rs 1000/-.
Escrow Charges :
Loans upto Rs 10 crs : Rs 10,000/- p.a. Loans above Rs 10 Crs : Rs 25,000/- p.a.
Modification Charges
Upto Rs 1.00 Crores: Rs 5,000/- Above Rs 1.00 Crores upto Rs 10.00 Crores: Rs 15,000/- Above Rs 10.00 Crores: Rs 25,000/-
Deviation Charges
Home Loans: Rs 1,500 per deviation (Maximum Rs 5,000) Education Loan: Nil
Other Retail Loans: Rs 3,000 per deviation (Maximum Rs 10,000)
Commitment Charges in Mortgage Loan and Traders Loan (Overdraft facilities only)
Minimum quarterly average utilization of sanctioned limits should be 60%.
In case of quarterly average utilization of sanction limit is less than 60% of the sanction limit, interest in the account will be charged on minimum 60% of sanctioned limits on quarterly basis.
Mortgage Creation Charges
Per borrowing entity with FB+NFB limits of Up to Rs 10.00 Lakhs: Rs 500/- per Lakh Above Rs 10.00 Lakhs & upto Rs 50.00 lacs: Rs 5,000/- Above Rs 50.00 Lakhs & upto Rs 100.00 Lakhs: Rs10,000/- Above Rs 100.00 Lakhs: Rs 15,000/-
Mortgage creation charges as mentioned above will be recovered separately for Retail Loans, except Education Loans and Home Loans/ Home Improvement Loan and Top-up Loan.The charge specified is applicable per instance irrespective of the number of title deeds.
The charges are applicable for extension of mortgage for enhancement and for substitution of title deeds also.
The charge is applicable for extension of equitable mortgage recorded in favour of other lenders also.
Internet Banking
EPFO online collection/ ESIC online collection
Rs 10/-
PASSWORD PRINTING (charges on regeneration only, free for new user)
Rs 25/- for Retail customer and Rs 50/- for Corporate customer
New Slabs and Charges Amount in INR
( w.e.f. 07.06.2022)
Upto 1,000
1,001 – 25,000
25,001 – 1,00,000
1,00,001 - 2,00,000
2,00,001 – 5,00,000
Revised w.e.f. 01.01.2020 Other than SB accounts
upto Rs 10,000/-
Rs 2.25
Rs 10,001/- to Rs 1,00,000/-
Rs 4.75
Rs 1,00,001/- to Rs 2 Lac/-
Rs 14.75
Above Rs 2 Lac
Rs 24.75
SB account -NIL
Remittance of fund through RTGS (bob World Mobile Banking, Internet Banking)
As per RBI guidelines
As per RBI circular RBI/2011-12/166-DPSS(CO)RTGS No. 388/04/04/.002/2011-12 dated 05.09.2011
Transaction slab
Rs. 2 Lacs to Rs. 5 Lacs
Above Rs. 5 Lacs
Rs. 24.50
Rs. 49.50
National E-toll Collection
Tag Issuance Fee
Rs. 100 + GST
Tag Replacement Charge
Return Charges Mandate Charges
Return Charges - Rs 250/- w.e.f. 01.10.2019 Mandate - Rs 100/-
Self Service Pass Book Printer
Duplicate Passbook Issuance Charges
Rs 100/-
Debit Card PIN Regeneration
RuPay Classic (Non Personalised/ Personalised)
Rs 50/- per regeneration
RuPay Platinum (Non-Personalised/Personalised)
Visa Classic (Non Personalised/ Personalised)
Visa Platinum (Non Personalised/ Personalised)
Master Card Classic (Personalised)
Master Card platinum (Personalised)
Mastercard world Radiance (Personalised)
RuPay PMJDY (Bhamashah/Samagra)
Government Sponsored Schemes - Fee Exempted
RuPay Mudra
Debit Card Other charges
Charge - slip retrieval charges
Rs 400/- per retrieval.
Rs 200/-
Number of Free OFFUS transactions (Including Non Financial Transactions)
Metro ATM-3, Non Metro-5
ATM charges after free OFFUS transactions
For Financial Transaction
Rs.21/- per transaction (w.e.f. 01-01-2022)
For Non – Financial Transaction
Rs.11/- per transaction (w.e.f. 01-01-2022)
ATM International Usage Charges
Cash Withdrawal
For Classic variant : Rs 250/- For Platinum variant : Rs 450/-
Balance Inquiry
Rs 30/-
Pre-paid Card
Gift Card -Issuance : For amount up to Rs 2,000/-
Rs 50/-
Gift Card -Issuance : For amount Rs 2,001/- Rs 10,000/-
Gift Card -Revalidation charges
Gift Card -Card Usage Charges (Per balance Inquiry)
Reloadable card: Issuance charges
Reloadable card-Revalidation charges
Reloadable card -Other Service charges
Rs 20/-
Travel Card Issuance fees - USD/GBP/EURO
Rs 150/-
Travel Card Stand by card fees - USD/GBP/EURO
Travel Card Re load fees - USD/GBP/EURO
Rs 55/-
Travel Card- Replacement Card fee in case of lost/stolen card (post age extra) USD
USD 3.0
Travel Card- Replacement Card fee in case of lost/stolen card (post age extra) GBP
GBP 3.0
Travel Card- Replacement Card fee in case of lost/stolen card (postage extra) EURO
EUR 3.0
Travel Card- Chargeback fee USD
USD 2.0
Travel Card- Chargeback fee GBP
GBP 2.0
Travel Card- Chargeback fee EURO
EUR 2.0
Travel Card- ATM Withdrawal fee USD/GBP/EURO
0.9% of Transaction value
Travel Card- ATM Balance enquiry fee USD/GBP/EURO
USD 0.5 /GBP 0.5 /EURO 0.5
Travel Card- Refund of balance in the card account : USD/GBP/EURO
Balance will be refunded after deducting INR 250/- . Foreign Currency Conversion taxes extra as applicable.
Travel Card- Deduction on expired Card (EVERY 12MONTHS): USD/GBP/EURO
USD 5.0 /GBP 5.0 /EURO 5.0
Travel Card- Inactivity Fee (card not used for 180 days): USD/GBP/EURO
Travel Card- Card sent by other Bank(If left behind at other bank's ATM or POS): USD/GBP/EURO
USD 15.0 /GBP 15.0 /EURO 15.0
Travel Card- New ATM Pin (sent to registered email ID): USD/GBP/EURO
USD 1.5 /GBP 1.5 /EURO 1.5
Travel Card- Usage(Cross Currency):
3% of transaction value
Travel Card- Revalidation Fee (USD/GBP/EUR)
USD 3.0 /GBP 3.0 /EURO 3.0
Cash Disbursement Fee/Cash-at-POS
SMS Alerts Charges
20 Paisa/SMS+GST with a cap of Rs.15+GST per month. (Charges will be debited in every succeeding month)
Processing Charges for Agriculture
For Working Capital (Fresh/Review) Fund Based: Above Rs 3 lacs to Rs 10 Lacs - Rs 250/- Lac or part thereof +GST Above Rs 10 Lacs– Rs 350/lac or part thereof maximum Rs 35.00 Lacs (For exporters Rs 17.50 Lacs)
Non Fund Based: 50% of charges Applicable for Fund Based Limit (Cap for Priority Sector Rs 17.50 lacs and for exporters Rs 7.50 lacs
For Term Loan (Fresh) Above Rs 3 Lacs - DL/TL 1% of the limit sanctioned with a maximum of Rs100 lacs (Cap for exporter- Rs 50 lacs)
For Term Loan (Review) Above Rs 3 Lacs – Rs 60 per lac or part thereof with No Cap
Note: Please note that any specific scheme related charges which is mentioned in the scheme specific circular remain in force and above charges are not applicable in those specific schemes of agriculture.
Inspection charges for Agricultural Advances
Above Rs 3 lacs to Rs 10 Lacs - Rs 250 Above Rs 10 Lacs to Rs 1 Crore – Rs 1000 Above Rs 1 Crore – Rs 5000
In addition to the above actual conveyance and out of pocket exp. reimbursed to be recovered
Inspection Charges for crop loan
Above Rs 3 lacs to Rs 10 Lacs - Rs 250 Above Rs 10 Lacs to Rs 1 Crore – Rs 500 Above Rs 1 Crore – Rs 1000
Installation chrgs
Debit card
Txn upto 1000
from 1000 to 2000
above 2000
Credit card
Standard (for all credit card & International Debit Card)
super premium
Diners & Discover Cards
Security Deposit
1) GPRS Fixed/Wireless/ PC POS -Rs 10000/- 2) PSTN: Rs 6000/-
Copy of Charge Slip
Mark Up for International Txn
(A) Processing charges for FB & NFB Working Capital Loan
FB & NFB Working Capital
Rating based- As below based on long term rating
AAA: 0.15%
AA Family: 0.35%
A family: 0.50%
BBB+ or BBB :0.75%
BBB minus: 1%
BB +: 1.25%
BB and below / unrated: 1.50%
For exporters rated A minus and above 25% concession from the above rates. The current definition of “Exporters” will continue as it is.
These service charges are in general except otherwise mentioned in any other special scheme applicable from time to time.
These charges to be levied annually at date of renewal and charges to be revised downwards (due to upgrade in the rating during the year), only at the time of annual renewal.
(B) Processing charges for DL/TL/DPG/Corp Loan (loans above 1 year)
for Term Loan under Hybrid Annuity Model (HAM) under Public Private
Partnership (PPP)
(Fresh/Additional Limit)
AAA: 0.50%
AA family: 0.75%
A family: 1.0%
BBB+ and BBB :1.25%
BBB minus: 1.50%
BB and below / Unrated: 2.00%
For Unrated accounts: Initial processing fees will be taken as per table above, basis the committed rating by the borrower
Standard time of 90 days will be given to the client for rating above mentioned fee and charges will be charged on committed rating by the borrower
For unrated account, the HIGHEST CARD rate will be effective if the time allowed for obtaining the External Rating is breached and extension of timeline not taken before time.
The above rates are for loans above 3 years door to door tenure. For loans with door-to-door tenure below 3 years, card rates will be 0.25% lower than all above-mentioned rates.
In case of Term Loan under Hybrid Annuity Model (HAM) under Public Private Partnership (PPP) the External Rating of Sponsor of SPV will be considered to determine processing fees. Within 3 months from date of 1st disbursement the ratings of the SPV to be obtained and should be minimum BBB In case if rating is below BBB, then 0.25% additional processing charges to be charged over and above the fee slab for received ratings.
(C) Processing charges for Real Estate Advances and Future Rent Receivables
Real Estate Advances
2% of the limit without cap
Real Estate Advances under Future Rent Receivables
Scheme (Greater than Rs. 20 Cr)
(D) Review/Annual Review of short Term loan /DL/Corporate Loan/TL/DPG
A and above 0.10%
BBB family 0.15%
BB+ and below 0.20%
(E) Processing charges for giving agreement in principle in respect of advances account.
Upto Rs.100 Cr. – Rs. 5 Lakhs
Above Rs. 100 Cr. To Rs. 500 Cr. – Rs. 10 Lakhs
Above Rs. 500 Cr. – Rs. 20 Lakhs
(F) Commitment Charges (Fund based & Non Fund Based working capital facilities)
Commitment Charges (Average of Fund based + Non-Fund Based facilities)
QIS submission to be done as per prevailing RBI guidelines.
1.If the average utilization during the quarter is more than 75% of the Limits
No Charges
2. if the average utilization during the quarter is between 50 – 75% of the Limits
0.50% p.a. to be recovered on entire un utilized portion on Quarterly Basis
3. if the average utilization during the quarter is less than 50% of the Limits
1.00% p.a. to be recovered on entire un utilized portion on Quarterly Basis
At the time of closure of accounts, the commitment charges to be recovered on a proportionate basis.
Documentation Charges
0.10% in addition to actual expenses incurred, with a cap of INR 5 lakhs
No documentation charges for LABOD/OD against bank’s own deposits, Loan against NSC, KVP, Govt. Securities & loan to staff members and to CPSUs and SPSUs.
The above charges are in addition to all actual charges of Security trustee etc.
Note: When to be charged
New sanctions (Entire fund-based limits including DPG, Usance LC an Financial Guarantees) At the time of obtaining the set of documents before disbursement.
Review of a/c with existing limits No charge if no fresh / additional documents are obtained.
Review with increased limits
For the entire amount of reviewed limit.
Ad-hoc limits - At the time of taking documents for ad-hoc limits.
Obtaining LAD - No Charges
Other Conditions: a) In respect of fresh sanctions / new accounts branches should invariably recover the charges as above in cash or debiting account.
For issuance of No Objection Certificate or C.P.: Rs. 50,000/- per occasion (no levy where Bank recovers issuing & paying agent charges as IPA).
Charges for carrying out inspection of securities charged to the bank (for other than retail loans)
For accounts with limits upto Rs.10 Cr: No Change (existing charges to be continued)
For accounts with limits of Above Rs.10 Cr: Rs.10,000+GST per location with a cap of Rs.2,00,000/-+GST per annum for all locations put together. In addition, actual conveyance and out of pocket expenses to be recovered.
For accounts where Agencies for Specialized Monitoring (ASM’s) have been appointed: Flat Rs.25,000/- per annum + GST (irrespective of number of locations).
Bills purchased/ Discounted or advances there against –Exchange / Commission
For cheques/ bills
a) On instruments drawn on our Branches / other Banks where we have branches: Exchange @ 35paise%. plus, Collection charges
b) For instruments drawn on other Banks where we do not have branches: Exchange @77 Paisa % Plus collection charges
Note: The above covers interest for 10 days for (a) & 14 days for (b).
a) On cheques/ bills returned unpaid penal interest
@ 2% +(1-year MCLR + 6.50%) p.a. from 11th/15th day of purchase as the case may be till the date of reimbursement.
b) Overdue interest to be charged @ 2% over the applicable rate (document rate) on cheques/bills from 11th/15th day of the case may be.
· Usual collection charges as applicable for the respective slab i.e. Section II-1 in case of cheques and Section II-3 in case of supply / purchase bills are to be levied in all cases in addition to interest.
· Collecting Banks’ charges, if any, should be recovered in full.
· When the bills are tendered for discount under the Bills Rediscounting scheme, besides collecting the discount at the prevailing rates, normal service charges like actual conveyance and actual out of pocket expenses reimbursed etc in sending the bills to SIDBI/IDBI also to be collected.
· “Date of actual reimbursement” means:
Where a Bill is sent to our branch, the date on which funds are actually received at the Drawee Centre.
Where Bills are sent to other Banks or where instruments are returned unpaid, the date of reversal of the B.P. entry at the purchasing branch.
Change of original instruction in respect of Bills Purchase discounted – Rs. 50/- per request.
Mentioned rates are also applicable to all segments. (HO:BR:111:203 dated 29.07.2019)
Providing Credit opinion (including opinion & introduction)
INR 50,000
USD 125 in respect of foreign banks
Other Credit related Areas Allowing interchangeability within fund based limits, within non-fund based facilities and between fund based and non-fund based limits.
(Since covered under modification charges)
Issuing of NOC of all types like granting NOC for ceding parri passu charge, exclusive charge,2nd charge etc. (Not applicable in case of NOC / Exchange of parri passu letter in consortium accounts.)
Limit of up to 10 Cr. – Rs.50,000
Limits of above Rs. 10 Cr to Rs. 50 Cr. – Rs. 2,00,000
Limit of above Rs.50 Cr. – Rs. 2,50,000
Fee for opening /operating Escrow / TRA A/Cs. (Trust & Retention A/c.)
Our share in limits:
Upto Rs. 5 cr. – Rs. 1 Lakh
Above Rs. 5 cr and upto Rs. 10 cr. – Rs. 2 Lac
Above Rs. 10 Cr. – Rs. 5 Lakh
The captioned charges are applicable for opening/ pertaining ESCROW/ TRA A/Cs (Trust & Retention A/C) to be recovered per annum. Periodicity of collection of above fees is annual.
(A) Charges for TEV study (when report is not shared with the customer)
Project cost:
Up to Rs. 15 Crs.
TEV study by bank – Rs. 1 Lakh
TEV study by Consultant – Consultant fee + Rs. 25000
> Rs. 15 cr and up to Rs. 300 cr - 0.05% of project cost – Min. Rs. 2 Lakh
> Rs. 300 Cr (Where TEV study is done by PFD)
Fees to be decided on a Case-to-case basis
(B) TEV Study (When report is shared with the customer)
Project Cost:
Up to Rs. 15 Cr: -
TEV Study by bank- Rs. 3 Lakh
By consultant—Consultant fee + Rs. 25000
>Rs. 15 Cr and up to Rs. 300 Cr.- 0.15% of project cost
>Rs. 300 Cr – TEV Study by PFD- case to case basis.
(Consultant fee ceiling to be fixed by the authority , who approves empanelment of consultants)
(C) Vetting / waiver of TEV Reports Out of pocket expenses for TEV study
"Vetting of TEV Reports:
Where project cost > Rs. 300 cr. – Rs. 50000
Waiver of TEV Study:
(Wherever TEV study is waived by the competent authority)
Upto Project cost Rs. 5 cr. – Nil
Above Rs. 5 cr. – Rs. 50000 (charges to be recovered in addition to usual proc. Charges for addl. Risk taken by the Bank)
All “out of pocket expenses” in addition to the TEV study charges are to be borne by the borrowers."
(Other than retail and Priority sector)
Per borrowing entity with FB+NFB limits of
Up to Rs 25 crores- Rs. 25,000/-
Above Rs. 25 Crore till Rs 100 crores - Rs. 100,000/-
Above Rs 100 crores- Rs 2,00,000/-
In addition to the actual expenses
The charge specified is applicable per instance irrespective of the number of title deeds.
Prepayment charges on Term Loan / Demand Loan / Working Capital Demand Loan
At the rate of 2% p.a. on the balance amount of loan and for the residual period of prepayment except Retail Loan including Loan against Future Rent Receivables/Staff Loans.
Minimum Rs.50,000 or 0.05% of the sanctioned limit subject to a maximum charge of Rs. 10 lacs (exclusive of GST).
Illustrative instances of Modification at the request of the borrower where this charge will be levied: -
Substitution of Collateral
Interchangeability of limits
Release/ Substitution of Personal Guarantee/Collateral Security
Change in Project/ items of machinery
Ceding of charges on Assets
Rephasement of Loans/ Deferment of Loan instalments
Approvals for mergers & amalgamations
Modification in Rate of Interest
Any other miscellaneous credit related approvals
Revalidation of Sanction
Working Capital - 50% of the applicable processing charges without Cap
Term Loan - 30% of the applicable upfront charges without Cap
Not applicable for Export Finance.
Lead Bank charges as Leader of Consortium on total assessed limits
0.25% of the aggregate of Fund Based and Non-Fund Based, subject to a minimum of Rs. 15 lakhs and maximum of Rs. 50 lakhs.
This will be in addition to the processing charges
Charges for copy of the documents for submission to any statutory authority
Actual photocopying charges + Rs.2000/- + Out of pocket expenses
Charges if presence of bank official is required along with the documents for photo copies
Actual photocopying charges + Rs. 5000/- + Out of pocket expenses.
Charges for cancellation of Bank’s lien on Government Securities / LIC Policies on closure of the Loan
1. Within one month from the date of closure of the loan: at the rate of Rs. 100/- per instrument + Out of pocket expenses
2. After one month from the date of closure of the loan: at the rate of Rs. 200/- per instrument + Out of pocket expenses
Processing charges for interest concession proposals
Up to 50 Cr:- Rs. 1,00,000 + GST
Above 50 crores and up to 100 crores:- Rs. 2,50,000+ GST
Above 100 crores – Rs 5,00,000 + GST
Holding of consortium meeting
For Holding meeting: Rs.25,000 + Actual expenses for each meeting
Additional Clarifications
Any deviation upwards or downwards from these rates will be at the discretion of the bank.
All the charges are exclusive of applicable taxes from time to time.
These service charges are subject to changes as per bank’s internal policy from time to time.
If long term rating of a company is not available then equivalent short-term rating to be considered for all the charges
Foreign Trade Finance (C&IC) Charges
For establishing an Import Letter of Credit/ Revolving Letter of Credit/ Letter of Credit covering imports of goods on deferred payment terms/ Back-to-Back letter of credit and Reinstatement charges (upon the reinstatement under a Revolving letter of Credit)
In case of a Letter of Credit established against 100% cash deposit as Security.
For corporate rated A minus and above –
0.35% for the first quarter
0.15% p.m. thereafter
For corporate rated BBB plus and below –
0.60% for the first quarter
0.20% p.m. thereafter
For Import LC amount upto INR 5.00 crore commission
AAA and Fully Government Guaranteed (CPSU and SPSU)
AA family
A family
BBB plus and BBB
BB and below/ Unrated
For Import LC amount above INR 5.00 crore commission
0.40 %
0.50 %
0.60 %
BBB minus
1.00 %
BB and below/Unrated
1.50 %
Note: Minimum charges for Sight and Usance LC is Rs.5000/-
Note: In case of Import L/C established against 100% Cash deposit as security, applicable commission shall be 25% of the above Card Rate.
For Capex LCs, Long term rating to be used for arriving at appropriate Commission. For working capital LC, equivalent short term rating to be used for arriving at appropriate Commission.
Extension of validity of LC
Rs.2000/- per amendment plus charges applicable as per over and above LC Charges
In case of enhancement of value of credit
Rs.2000.00 per amendment In case of enhancement of the value of a letter of credit, charges over and above LC Charges for establishing a letter of credit shall be recovered for the additional amount, for the remaining period. In case of both enhance of value of Credit and extension of validity for a particular LC at a time, amendment charges will be recovered for one event. Other charges shall be recovered as per norms.
In case of amendment extending the tenor of the Bills of Exchange
Rs.2000.00 amendment charges In the case of amendment altering the tenor of the Bill of Exchange, additional charges above LC Charges shall be collected on the outstanding liability under the LC
Amendment other than extension of validity or enhancement of tenor of the bill of exchange
Rs.2000.00 per amendment
For revival of expired LCs within 3 months for the date of expiry
Any revival or reinstatement of an expired LC shall be at the option of the bank but within 3 months from the date of expiry and shall be subject to recovery of above LC Charges plus Rs.2000.00, from the date of expiry upto the validity period of the revival Letter of Credit.
Deferred Imports Commission on Letter of Credit covering import of goods on deferred payment terms involving payments beyond a period of six months from the date of shipment over a period of time as defined in Exchange Control.
LC Amount
% per quarter
Upto 1 crore
>1 crore upto 5 crore
>5 crore
Calculated on the amount of liability under such credit at the beginning of every quarter. Note: Charges will be recovered as mentioned above on the basis of LC amount coming under the particular slab. (For example, if LC amount is Rs. 4 crore, then charge will be @ 0.18% on entire amount.)
If the validity period of a Letter of Credit covering import on deferred payment terms is extended.
Flat amendment commission of Rs. 2000/-, However, for any amendment extending the validity of the letter of Credit beyond 3-month period, commission at the applicable rate shall be recovered.
Amendment Enhancement
When the amount of an import letter of credit covering import on deferred payment terms is enhanced, commission at the applicable rate shall be recovered on the amount so enhanced. Plus Rs.2000.00.
Providing opinion reports to foreign banks, on our customers.
USD 500 per opinion to be recovered from foreign bank
Shipping Guarantee for clearance of goods pending production of bill of lading. a. Relating to imports under LCs opened by the banks b. In all other cases
Documents under LC:
· Flat Rs. 2000.00 per Shipping Guarantee
In all other cases:
· 0.10% p.m. for the period of guarantee, Minimum Rs. 2000.00
Foreign currency Import bills under LC at the time of crystallization or retirement whichever is earlier ( where exchange benefit accrues)
0.125% of the bill amount- Minimum of Rs. 2000.00 –
Maximum Rs. 25000.00
Foreign currency bills under LC where no exchange benefit accrues
0.25% of the bill amount. Minimum of Rs. 2000.00 –
Maximum Rs. 30000.00
Discrepancy charges in case of non-confirming documents under LC
USD 100, EUR 100, GBP 100, JPY 10000 for LCs issued in USD, EUR, GBP and JPY; respectively. For all other currencies equivalent to USD 100.
Import bill (not under LC) drawn in foreign currency on which bank earns exchange benefit.
0.15% of the bill amount. Minimum of Rs. 2000.00 –
Maximum of Rs. 25000.00
Import bill (not under LC) drawn in rupees and in foreign currency on which bank earns no exchange benefit.
0.30% of the bill amount. Minimum of Rs. 2000.00 –
Maximum of Rs. 50000.00
For foreign currency import bill required to be forwarded to another bank required for remitting proceeds to the remitting bank abroad
Rs. 2000.00 per bill as handling charges
For each bill received by importer directly from the overseas exporter/bank at the time of effecting remittance. Where exchange benefit accrues to the bank
0.125% of the bill amount. Minimum of Rs. 2000.00 –
Maximum of Rs. 10000.00
For each bill received by importer directly from the overseas exporter/bank at the time of effecting remittance. Where no exchange benefit accrues to the bank
0.20% of the bill amount. Minimum of Rs. 2000.00 –
Import documents covering project imports under Inter-Government Aid Scheme and Schemes (including projects those financed by International Agencies like World Bank, IMF, ADB etc.) where no LC is opened.
To be charged as applicable on import bills as per point nos 15,16,18,19
Issuance of Delivery Order pending receipt of Import Bill (document not under LC)
Rs. 1000.00 per delivery order.
Advance remittance against imports Where exchange benefit accrues to the bank
0.15% of the remittance amount. Minimum of Rs. 500.00 - Maximum of Rs. 10000.00
Advance remittance against imports Where no exchange benefit accrues to the bank
0.20% of the remittance amount. Minimum of Rs. 1000.00 - Maximum of Rs. 15000.00
Net off/Set off of import bills against export of goods. Other than these charges, no Import Bill collection charges to be recovered.
Rs. 2000.00 per bill.
Custody charges for overdue import bills
Rs. 2,000.00 per bill per quarter or part thereof, after the due date. (Overdue charges will be recovered at the end of every quarter. However, pro rata charges to be taken in first quarter and in the quarter when bill is realized)
Follow up for submission of BOE
· Advance remittance for Import - Rs. 2000.00 if the BOE is not submitted within 180 days from the date of last remittance.
· Payment against Import Bill- Rs.2000 per bill of entry if not submitted within 90 days from the date of remittance. (Charges to be recovered at the time of submission of Bill of Entry)
Merchanting trade transactions for Import transaction (Other than applicable charges for import bill i.e. collection charges, overdue charges, etc.)
Flat INR 3000 Per Import Bill.
Counter signing/ Co-acceptance/ Availisation of Import bills
0.085% per month for the tenor of bills subject to minimum of 0.25%.
Recovery of commission in lieu of exchange on import bills payment of which are settled out of foreign currency loans arranged abroad, foreign currency accounts and EEFC accounts
Discontinued. No commission in lieu of exchange to be charged in case import bills (under LC or otherwise) are realized out of foreign currency loans arranged abroad/ buyers credit. No extra charge to be taken in case of EEFC funds too.
Export performance guarantees (covering exports & project exports) which include:
1. Bid-bond
2. Bond for earnest money
3. Guarantee for advance payment made by foreign buyers to Indian exporters/contractors
1. Performance Guarantee (Min Comm: Rs.1500)
BG up to 3 years (% p.a.)
BG above 3 years (% p.a.)
BB and below/ A4 and Below / Unrated
2. Financial Guarantee (Min Comm: Rs.1500)
· Note:
a. In case of guarantee by ECGC Ltd. the applicable commission (on the covered portion) shall be 50% of the Card Rate and in case of Counter guarantee by GoI, the applicable commission (on the covered portion) shall be 25% of the Card Rate.
b. In case 100% cash margin is provided by the borrower, the applicable commission shall be 25% of the Card Rate.
c. In case of early redemption of guarantees after a period of 60 days, 50% of the commission for the unexpired period i.e. from the date of redemption to the expiry date, shall be refunded.
For Long tenor BGs (more than 1 year), Long term rating to be used for arriving at appropriate Commission. For short tenor BGs (up to 1 year), short term rating to be used for arriving at appropriate Commission.
Deferred Payment Guarantees covering import of goods into India/repayment of foreign currency loans & All other guarantees (including Stand by Letter of Credit - other than that for trade credit)
1) Performance Guarantee (Min Comm: Rs.1500)
BG upto 3 years (% p.a.)
2) Financial Guarantee (Min Comm: Rs.1500)
i. In case 100% cash margin is provided by the borrower, the applicable commission shall be 25% of the Card Rate. ii. In case of early redemption of guarantees after a period of 60 days, 50% of the commission for the unexpired period i.e. from the date of redemption to the expiry date, shall be refunded.
For Long tenor BGs (more than 1 year), Long term rating to be used for arriving at appropriate Commission. For short tenor BGs (upto 1 year), short term rating to be used for arriving at appropriate Commission
Advising of Guarantee
Rs.1000 per advising
Enhancement of Value/ Extension of Tenor of the Guarantee
Applicable charges as per 30 & 31.
Guarantees issued against 100% cash margin/ 100% counter guarantee of the GOI
25% of the applicable charges as per point no 30 & 31.
Standby Letter of Credit against trade credits From the date of opening of LC to last date of its validity including usance period.
Only Foreign Currency Denominated SBLC
upto 1 Year
above 1 year
BBB+ or below- 0.50% additional charges
Overseas Direct Investment
Processing of ODI transaction including generation of UIN
Rs. 10000.00 per UIN. (one time charges) In addition to this, charges for the remittance will be levied as applicable.
Foreign Direct Investment
Processing of (FCGPR, FCTR (to be taken at the time of first reporting to RBI like Annex 6)
· Rs. 10000.00 (one time charges- where funds have been received by Bank of Baroda)
· Rs. 25000.00 (one time charges- where funds have been received by other banks)
In addition to this, charges for the remittance will be levied as applicable.
Project Export Approvals
Approval for Project Exports
Rs. 5000.00 per project. (one time charges) at the time of granting approval. In addition to this, charges for the remittance will be levied as applicable.
External Commercial Borrowing
ECB (Form 83 Scrutiny)
Rs. 5000.00 per LRN. (one time charges) where loan is arranged from Bank of Baroda
Rs. 10000.00 per LRN (one time charges) where loan is arranged from other sources/banks.
Establishing Warehouses/ Setting up Liaison/ Branch Offices
Setting up liaison/branch offices in India
Rs. 10000.00 per request
Establishing warehouses/ offices abroad
Opening of accounts abroad
Rs.5000.00 per request
Forward Contracts
Charges for Booking of forward contracts
Rs. 500.00 per contract
Charges for Early Delivery/Extension of Forward Contracts Including NRIs) Cancellation of forward contract
Rs.500/- plus swap cost and cancellation charges, wherever applicable.
Booking of forward sale contract in respect of import bills drawn under letter of credit opened by another bank. (Where an importer has arranged for fixation of a forward contract with a bank other than the one through whom the letter of credit has been opened).
0.15% commission in lieu of exchange in addition to swap cost and interest from the date of negotiation till the date of credit of proceeds in the Bank’s Nostro a/c (min Rs. 1000.00)
Miscellaneous Charges
Swift Charge
Rs. 500.00 for every SWIFT message
Courier Charges
Dispatches outside India - Rs. 1200.00 per document Dispatches within India - Rs. 250.00 per document
Processing of applications /representation to RBI
Rs. 2000.00 per application/representation (Other than MTT) Rs.5000 per application/representation for MTT
Issuance of NOC for permitted cases in respect of capital account transactions
Rs.5000.00 per NOC
Transfer of existing UIN/LRN to other AD
Rs. 5000.00 per transfer
Non submission of APR/ proof of ODI/FCGPR/FCTRS/ARF/ Project Export progress report
Rs. 2500.00 on a half yearly basis
· In addition, any other out of pocket expenses incurred by the Bank will be recovered at actual.
· All above charges are exclusive of SWIFT and courier charges. SWIFT/ Courier charges as mentioned above will be additional charged wherever applicable.
· All above charges are exclusive of GST and applicable GST will be charged extra.
· GST applicable on foreign currency exchanged - as below: (as applicable from time to time)
Amount of Currency Exchanged
GST Rates
Minimum GST
Maximum GST
Up to INR 1.00 lakh
0.18% of currency exchanged
Rs. 45.00
Rs. 180.00
Between INR 1.00 lakh and up to INR 10.00 lakhs
INR 180.00 + 0.09% of the currency exchanged
Rs. 990.00
Above INR 10.00 lakhs
INR 990.00 + 0.018% of the currency exchanged
Rs. 10800.00
· Stamp duty charges applicable in the respective states as per government regulations from time to time will be recovered wherever applicable.
· 100% waiver of charges on personal Inward and Outward remittances (excluding trade related transactions) be allowed in respect of existing Staff Members/ Honourably Retired Employees of our bank. Out of pocket expenses i.e. postage/courier/SWIFT/taxes etc.; if any are to be recovered on actual basis.
· The above schedule of charges will only apply in cases where specific customer level pricing approval/sanction is not in place.
Inland Trade Finance Related Charges
Inland L/C
· Sight: For corporate rated A minus and above
a. 0.50% for the first 30 days
b. 0.15% p.m. thereafter
· For corporate rated BBB plus and below –
a. 1.00 % for the first 30 days
b. 0.30% p.m. thereafter
· Usance:
· For LC amount upto INR 5.00 crore commission
External Rating
LC % commission (p.a.)
· For LC amount above INR 5.00 crore commission
BBB Plus and BBB
1.25 %
a. Minimum charges for Sight and Usance LC is Rs.5000/-
b. In case of Inland L/C established against 100% Cash deposit as security, applicable commission shall be 25% of the above Card Rate.
c. For Capex LCs, Long term rating to be used for arriving at appropriate Commission. For working capital LC, equivalent short-term rating to be used for arriving at appropriate Commission.
Inland Bill charges
Service Charges
OBC collection charges
0.125 % Subject to Min. INR 500 & maximum INR 10,000.00
# Proposed Charges only for Purchase, Discount and Negotiation of Bills. For others remains unchanged.
IBC collection charges
# Proposed Charges only Bills presented under the Inland LC opened by us. For others remains unchanged.
Discrepancy Charges
0.15% Min. Rs. 500 & Max. Rs. 2000/-
Inland Guarantee
Up to 3 years (% p.a.)
Above 3 years (% p.a.)
AAA Govt Gtee (CPSU and CPSU)
0.10% for each additional year (applicable since inception)
BBB family
0.20% for each additional year (applicable since inception)
BB & Below & Unrated
AAA / Govt Gtee (CPSU and SPSU)
In case of early redemption of guarantees after a period of 60 days, 50% of the commission for the unexpired period i.e. from the date of redemption to the expiry date, shall be refunded.
Other Charges
Other Charges A) Advising LCs (only where LC opening Bank and advising Banks are different)
Confirmation of LC (only where LC opening Bank and confirming Bank are different)
For addition of confirmation, 0.20% p.m. for the period of validity and usance on the amount of LC
Transferable LCs
For each transfer Rs. 1000 (whether in full or part thereof) where usance drafts are to be accepted, acceptance commission @ 0.10% p.m. to be charged; Min. Rs. 1000
Negotiation charges
Rs. 2,000
Clean payments received under LC
Rs. 1000
Attestation of commercial invoices
· At the time of negotiation / collection - Nil
· Each subsequent occasion - Rs. 100 per invoice
Guarantees due to discrepancies in documents
For joining in customer’s guarantee or giving guarantees to other banks on behalf of customers, for discrepant documents negotiated under LC
· Bill amount below equivalent USD 25000.00 - Rs. 1000.00
· Bill amount equivalent to USD 25000.00 and above- Rs. 1500.00
(Additionally Rs. 100.00 per shipping bill to be charged if the more than one shipping bill is submitted under a single export bill.)
b. Rupee Export Bill
Forwarding export documents to another bank due to reason such as LC being restricted to the latter or the LC have been confirmed by that bank.
Additionally, Rs. 100.00 per shipping bill to be charged if the more than one shipping bill is submitted under a single export bill.
Where reimbursement under a Letter of Credit is claimed by the bank with another Authorized Dealer in India
Rs.1000.00 per claim
For each Export bill sent for Collection
· Bill amounts up to equivalent USD 5000.00 - Rs 250.00
· Bill amount equivalent to USD 5001.00 to USD 25000- Rs 750.00
· Bill amount beyond equivalent USD 25000.00 - 0.0625 % subject to maximum of Rs. 2000/-
Merchant trade transactions for Export transaction (Other than applicable charges for Export bill i.e. collection charges, overdue charges, etc.)
Flat INR 3000 Per Export Bill.
· If the entire sets of export documents have been sent by the exporter directly to the overseas buyer after complying with Exchange Control formalities.
· For each export bill sent for collection by exporter against which advance payment already received
· Bill amount equivalent to USD 5001.00 to USD 25000- Rs 500.00
· Bill amount beyond equivalent USD 25000.00 - Rs 1200.00
Additionally, Rs. 100.00 per shipping bill to be charged if more than one shipping bill is submitted under a single export bill.
Advance Remittances against exports
Rs.200/- per remittance
Charges for issuance of export related certificates
Rs. 100.00 per certificate
Issuance of NOC for discounting export Bills with other bank
Rs. 1000.00 per bill
Net off/Set off of export bills against import of goods (For Per shipping Bill) Other than these charges, no Bill collection charges to be recovered.
Rs. 1000.00 per shipping bill.
Approval for extension of due date (Other than Applicable normal charges)
· Extension of due date up to 270 days from shipping bill date - Nil
Extension of due date beyond 270 days from shipping bill date - Rs.1000/- per extension
Issuance of GR waiver Certificate
Rs. 500.00 per certificate
Approval for write-off of export bills (Other than overdue charges)
· Write-off of export bills against Bank charges- Nil
· Self-Write-off of export bill by exporter- Nil
Others- Rs.1000 per shipping bill
Late submission of documents (after 21 days from the date of shipment) (Other than normal applicable charges for collection and overdue)
· Submission of documents beyond 30 days and up to 3 months - Rs.100 per shipping bill
Submission of documents beyond 3 months - Rs.500 per shipping bill
Crystallization charges for export bills purchased/discounted at the time of crystallization.
Advising Letter of Credit for the Our bank’s clients
Rs. 1000.00 per LC
Advising Letter of Credit for the other-Bank clients
Rs. 2000.00 per LC
Advising of Amendment for Our Bank’s clients
Rs. 600.00 per amendment
Advising of Amendment for Other-bank clients
LC confirmation charges where LC opened in favour of Indian Exporter
· Sight :
a. 0.25% for the first quarter
b. 0.15% p.m. thereafter (Min. Rs. 1500.00)
c. For LC amount exceeding INR 5.00 crore commission @ 0.50% per annum (These charges i.e. @ 0.50% p.a. are applicable on the entire LC amount whenever the LC amount exceeds Rs. 5 crore)
d. Charges will be calculated from the date of opening of LC to the date of expiry of LC.
a. 1.5% p.a. (Min. Rs. 2000.00)
b. For LC amount exceeding INR 5.00 crore commission @ 0.40% p.a.
c. Charges will be calculated from the date of opening of LC to the date of expiry of LC plus the usance period
d. (These charges i.e. @ 0.40% p.a. are applicable on the entire LC amount whenever the LC amount exceeds Rs. 5 crore)
Charges applied for actual number of days per annum basis.
Transfer of Letter of Credit
Rs. 1000.00 per transfer and subsequent amendment
In case of each overdue export bill, sent on collection where the proceeds are not received in NOSTRO account on or before the due date and in case of each overdue export bill purchased/discounted/negotiated/ and subsequently treated as collection item after crystallization.
Rs. 500.00 per bill on quarterly basis after the due date and upto the date of realization (Overdue charges will be recovered at the end of every quarter. However, pro rata charges to be taken in first quarter and in the quarter when bill is realized)
Follow-up of submission of export documents
against advance remittance
-Advance remittance received up to 31.12.2018—Nil
-Advance remittance received on or after 01.01.2019 - Rs.250 per
remittance per quarter after one year from the date of receipt of advance.
Not applicable for export orders to be executed on deferred terms.
(Charges to be recovered at the end of every quarter. However, pro rata charges to be taken in first quarter and in the quarter when bill is realized)
Outward Remittances other than Imports
Outward remittance in foreign currency for Non-individuals (other than advance payment against import) Where exchange benefit accrues to the bank
0.10% of the transaction amount. Minimum of Rs. 500.00 - Maximum Rs. 5000.00
Outward remittance in foreign currency for Non-individuals (other than advance payment against import) Where no exchange benefit accrues to the bank
0.25% of the transaction amount. Minimum of Rs. 1000.00 - Maximum Rs. 10000.00
Issuance of Foreign Currency Demand Draft
For Individuals - Rs. 500.00 per draft For Non-Individuals - 0.10% of the instrument amount (min. Rs. 500.00 - max. Rs. 5000.00) 0.25% for non-individual where exchange benefit does not accrue to the bank (min. Rs. 1000.00 - max. Rs 10000.00)
Cancellation of Demand Draft
Rs. 100.00 per draft
Issue of Foreign Currency Travellers Cheques commission
1% on rupee equivalent payable by the customer.
Where at the request of the beneficiary, foreign currency travelers cheques are issued by the Authorised Dealers against foreign currency remittances received from abroad.
0.25% (Min.Rs.200.00)
Payment of foreign currency draft by the drawee bank by issuing their own draft in the same currency in favour of the beneficiary bank with whom the relative foreign currency amount is to be deposited in a FCNR account.
Rs. 500.00 per draft
Inward Remittances other than Exports
Inward Remittances
Nil where proceeds are to be credited to our account. In all other cases - Rs. 100.00
Commission on Clean Instruments sent for collection abroad
0.1% of the instrument amount (min. Rs. 250.00 - max. Rs. 5000.00)
Charges for dishonored of clean instruments sent on collection
0.1% of the instrument amount (min. Rs. 250.00 - max. Rs. 2000.00)+ any cost/charges incurred by our correspondent
Encashment of TTs/ purchase of MTs/ DDs in respect of which cover has been received in NOSTRO accounts
NIL, since cover has been received in NOSTRO accounts.
Where the inward remittance has to be executed in foreign currency by issuing a demand draft/ mail transfer/ payment order/ telegraphic transfer commission shall be recovered from beneficiary/ beneficairy’s bank as the case may be.
0.1% min. Rs. 500.00 and max Rs. 5000.00
Up to Rs. 25000: Nil
>25000 (Fresh/Review):- on the basis of Risk Rating as under-
BOB/CMR 1 - 0.20%
BOB/CMR 2- 0.20%
BOB/CMR 3- 0.30%
BOB/CMR 4- 0.30%
BOB/CMR 5- 0.35%
BOB/CMR 6- 0.40%
BOB/CMR 7 and below - 1.00%
Cap for Priority Sector Rs 35.00 Lakhs
Cap for Exporters Rs. 17.50 Lakhs
Other advances No cap
“With reference to Circular BCC:BR:113/647 dated 22.10.2021 CMR(CIBIL MSME rating) is required for MSME Borrower (Regulatory/Expanded) having aggregate limits above Rs. 25.00 lacs to Rs. 7.50 cr.”
>Rs. 25000 (Fresh Sanction) up to Rs. 1 crore: 1% of limit Sanctioned
> Rs. 1 crore (Fresh) - On the basis of Risk Rating as under-
BOB/CMR 1 - 0.50%
BOB/CMR 2- 0.50%
BOB/CMR 3- 0.85%
BOB/CMR 4- 0.85%
BOB/CMR 5- 1.00%
BOB/CMR 6- 1.10%
BOB/CMR 7 and below - 2.00%
Cap for Priority Sector Rs 100.00 Lakhs
Cap for Exporters Rs. 50.00 Lakhs
Term Loan Review Charges - 0.10% without cap
Real Estate Advances 2% of the limit without cap
Real Estate Advances under Future Rent Receivables Scheme (Greater than Rs. 20 Cr)
(D) Review/Annual Review of short-Term loan /DL/Corporate Loan/TL/DPG
0.10% without Cap
Upto Rs 5 cr- Nil
Above Rs 5 cr to Rs 10 cr- Rs 1.5 lakh
Above Rs 10 Cr to Rs 25 cr.- Rs 3.5 lakh
Above Rs 25 Cr- Rs 5.00 lakh
(F) Commitment Charges (Fund based & Non Fund Based facilities)
Fund Based:
No commitment charges to be levied in case average utilization of limits are minimum 60% and above of limits on annual basis. Utilization shall be tested on annual basis as on year ending 31st March. However, if the average utilization of limits is below 60% during the financial year, commitment charges will be levied as under:
For customers submitting QIS statements
@ 0.75% (exclusive of GST) for the balance un–utilized portion viz-a-viz 60% of limits.
For customers not submitting QISb statements
@ 0.50% (exclusive of GST) for the balance un–utilized portion viz-a-viz total limits.
Note: If the average utilisation of limits is 60% or above during the financial year, no commitment charges to be levied for both customers submitting QIS statements and customers not submitting QIS statements. At the time of closure of accounts, the commitment charges should be recovered on a proportionate basis.
Non Fund Based:
Commitment charges will be levied in case of non-utilization / under-utilization of Non Fund based credit facilities with limits of Rs. 1 Crore and above @ 0.25% p.a for the unutilized portion. Where average utilization is 60% and above of the limit or as indicated in QIS statement, no commitment charges to be recovered separately.
(Fund Based Only)
For Corporate accounts above Rs.1.00 Cr: 0.10% of limit with a maximum of Rs. 1,00,000/-
For Borrower Induced opinion request
$ 100 in respect of foreign banks
between fund based and non-fund-based limits.
0.25% of interchangeable amount subject to min Rs.5,000 and Max Rs. 50,000/-
Up to Rs.25.00 Lakhs: Rs.1,000
>25.00 Lacs to Rs.1.00 cr : Rs.10,000
> 1.00 Cr to 10.00 Cr: Rs.20,000
Above 10.00 Cr: Rs.50,000
Our share in limits: Upto Rs. 5 cr. – Rs. 1 Lakh Above Rs. 5 cr and upto Rs. 10 cr. – Rs. 2 Lakh Above Rs. 10 Cr. – Rs. 5 Lakh
(Other than retail and Priority sector
Per borrowing entity (excluding Priority Sector) with FB+NFB limits of
Upto 1 Cr.-Rs 5000
Above Rs 1 Cr to Rs 10 Cr- Rs 20,000
Above RS 10 cr to Rs 25 cr-RS 25,000
Above Rs 25 cr to Rs 100 cr-Rs1,00,000/-
Above 100 Crore-Rs 2,00,000/-
Up to Rs. 1.00 Cr: Rs. 5000
Rs.1.00 Cr to Rs. 10.00 Cr: 15000
Above 10 Cr : Rs.50000
The charges shall be levied per instance of proposal submission and should be recovered only in respect of customer induced modifications and not on modifications in terms and conditions which were not discussed with/ accepted by the customer at the time of sanction/ review
Working Capital: 50% of the applicable processing charges without cap
Term Loan: 30% of the applicable upfront charges without cap
0.30% of the aggregate of Fund Based and Non Fund Based and Non Fund Based , Subject to a minimum of Rs. 5.00 lacs and Maximum of Rs. 50.00 Lakhs
Actual photocopying charges + Rs.1000/-
Actual photocopying charges + Rs. 2000/- + Out
of pocket expenses -
Introduction of New Service Charges
For Holding meeting: Rs.10000 + Actual expenses for each meeting
No Change
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